In the News

Linda Likes It! Linda Jackson with 21Alive spent some time with Jennifer and Joelle to discuss our mission of empowering our student’s mental health.

Access Fort Wayne Feature: We The Living

Our Director of Programming, Jennifer Barnes, was interviewed with Access Fort Wayne in relation to our partnership with We The Living, a local suicide loss support group.

During this great interview, Jennifer was able to discuss RespectTeam's mission and programming.

“Jennifer Barnes, a mental health advocate, is championing a powerful message: ‘Thrive.’ Barnes argues that many of us settle for mere survival which can trap us in a negative mindset. She says it’s time to move beyond that and start truly thriving.”

Stop Suicide Northeast Indiana holds 10th annual Candlelight Ceremony

Our Director of Programming, Jennifer Barnes, was interviewed at the 10th Annual Candlelight Ceremony for Suicide Loss with Stop Suicide Northeast Indiana.

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Local High School teacher testimonial on Respect Team curriculum and our Respect YOU Body Image curriculum