Respect yourself.
Respect others.
Respect all.
Our Problem
Today’s youth are experiencing serious problems related to trauma, identity, and social relationships.
40% of Indiana teens feel sad/hopeless (up to two weeks)
According to IYI, Region 3 (Adam’s, Allen, Dekalb, Huntington, LaGrange, Noble, Steuben, Wells, and Whitley Counties) are rated the highest in this category.
18% of teens reported seriously considering suicide
25% of parents found it “very difficult” to obtain mental health care in Indiana
*All data recorded for the 2024 Kids Count Book from IYI
Our Solution
We want to improve the emotional intelligence of our youth through engaging, and empowering programming
In school curriculum
3 middle school presentations: Respect in Friendship, Respect YourSELF, RespectYou & RespectME
3 high school presentations: Relationships, Stress the Silent Toxin, RespectYOU (body image and eating disorder)
Powerful and empowering student events
An increase of 20% of students feel more invested in their relationships (in spite of difficulties) after our presentations.
An increase of 25% of students feel “valuable” after our presentations.
An increase of 67% of high school students understand what consent is as a result of our presentations.
85% of student feel more hopeful after our presentations.
We have strong, proprietary, evidence-based curriculum that teaches students the importance of self respect and respect of others. Students will learn crucial soft skills like empathy, interpersonal communication, and crucial concepts such as boundaries and consent (in high school).
We have two events throughout the year dedicated to empowering regional students. TeenSpeak is a unique event for students to share their own stories of strength to a community of their peers. The 360Award’s offers 5 $1,000 scholarships to students positively impacting their community through sacrificial leadership.
Further, the understanding of our programming and curriculum increases the emotional competence of our youth, inspiring them to be advocates in the community.
The foundation of RespectTeam is helping our community develop relationally and mentally. We currently offer QPR and Suicide Prevention training for adults. We can’t forget our amazing youth leaders and need to be sure they are properly trained how to recognize red flag signs and encourage students through difficult times.
*We will also be offering this training for our teens very soon.
What Our Students Are Saying
What Our Teachers Are Saying
#GivingTuesday Bingo!
We already have the center square taken! Claim your square now, and make a BINGO!
Giving Tuesday is now less than 20 days away! This special day is all about coming together to support the organizations and causes that matter to us. And we're thrilled that you're a part of the RespectTeam family!
Over the next 20 days, we're setting our sights high with the goal of adding 25 one-time gifts to support our programs and services. However, this time, your donation may be met with a company match! 👀 More specifically, matched not just once…not twice…but potentially 5 times!!! So, in other words, your gift of $100 could lead to $500!!! 😱 ⚡️ If every single square is donated, and thus met with a match, we have the opportunity to raise up to $15,000 by the end of the year.
*(This is a great opportunity to give for an additional tax write-off with the calendar year coming to a close.)
Your donation today will be used to help schools receive free in-class programming, increasing students emotional intelligence, and improving students relationship to self and others, and will make a real impact in the lives of those we serve.
Some instructions with RT Bingo:
When you pick a gift square, mark it off and send it back to us so we can update the card, and you can pass it on to friends!
The supporters that make a BINGO will receive a prize (including a free ticket to TeenSpeak 2025!!!!!).
Important Conversations
Whether you’re having these conversations for the first time, we all start somewhere. Stay connected to RespectTeam by listening to some of our speaker’s personal stories, and learning more about resources available to you or someone you may know.
Our Legacy Partners
“These presentations will inspire a generation of emotionally intelligent people, and compassionate community members that unify and proclaim, “It’s not the hope that kills ya… it’s the hope that HEALS ya…”
— Jordan Kerner (Executive Director)